I met up with my buddy Kevin for coffee last week and one of the first things he said was “I think you’ve worn that shirt every time we’ve met” (at least in the past year). It was my grey tee with a cartoon sketch of a camera captioned with the words “i’ll shoot you.” He was probably right. I have seven tank tops and tees that I rotate, as if on a weekly schedule. And now you know one of my secret reasons for not wanting to make videos for so long.
It’s not that I don’t like new clothes. But given a choice between a closet full of nice shirts or one amazing experience, I’ll always choose the latter. I’m fairly confident that I’m not the only one who thinks this way either. So when Sheryl from Samba Days sent me an invitation to become a Sambassador who gets to try out three experiences of choice this fall, I was uber-excited!
Samba Days is a Canadian company that essentially offers experiences packaged in gift-boxes which range from gourmet meals to action-packed weekends in whitewater rafts, hot-air balloons and down subterranean caves (something I’m really looking forward to).
From the list of available adventures, each Sambassador was asked to select six of our top choices, three of which will be booked for us based on availability.
My Top 6 West Coast Sambassador Adventures
#1. Caving Multi-Activity — Qualicum Beach
Synopsis: Five hours of extreme rappelling down five vertical rope stations into subterranean caverns filled with crystals and time to explore the clear waters on canoe before indulging in campfire marshmallows (they don’t supply the marshmallows but I’m definitely bringing some!).*
There was no doubt in my mind that this would be numero uno! I’ve wanted to try caving and rappelling for a long time now.
*Edit: There is an alternative package to spend two nights in a teepee, with a 3-hour guided cave tour, 2-hour rappel session and 2-hour canoe rental.
#2. Sword Fighting — Vancouver
Synopsis: Two hours of private instruction on how to wield a sword and a video of you in combat.
Me and a sword. This should be good for a laugh!
#3. Beekeeping Workshop — Vancouver
Synopsis: Harvesting honey by scraping wax cappings off honey frames, extracting honey and filtering it.
The activities vary by season, and there’s a possibility of processing bee venom. BEE VENOM! I didn’t even know bees had venom! Curiosity got the better of me.
#4. Scenic Glider Flight — Pemberton
Synopsis: Flight over local iced-capped mountain tops with aerobatic maneuvers and a souvenir tee to add to the collection.
I love that we have local iced-capped mountain tops to soar over. It seems wrong not to.
#5. Discover SCUBA — Vancouver
Synopsis: Four-hour introductory class to scuba diving and in-pool training.
It’s one of those must-do things that’s on just about every traveller’s check-list. Social media “guru“s get a badge on foursquare. Travellers get a PADI Open Water Scuba certification.
#6. 17ft Boat Rental — Vancouver
Synopsis: LMFAO
I had no idea what to add as a sixth option and the idea of renting a 17ft was just too funny. I’m pretty sure this isn’t going to be one of my three arranged adventures. If it is, I’m going to have to find a friend with a boating license to help me out with this one!